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Monthly Archive

September 2012

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
The Fountain

Peacebuilding through Education

The Fountain is partnering this month with the Peace Islands Institute of New York for the "Peacebuilding through Education: Challenges, Opportunities, Cases" conference on September 24th (details are... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
M. Fethullah Gulen

What Generations Expect from Education

What do we mean when we mention education and training in relation to our current and future generations? How should we teach our values to new generations and who is to undertake this sacred duty? We... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Halil I. Demir

Religious Inspirations and Scientific Inventions

What exactly is it that inspires us, say, to write a beautiful poem or an article, or the next big idea that will change our life? There is no short answer for this question, for inspirations may come... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Fethiye Ozis

Energy and Environmental Issues: A Comparative Study for Turkey and the U.S.

Inevitably, energy is one of the key issues currently effecting economic development in much of the modern world. The fact that fossil fuels are non-renewable and have detrimental effects on the envir... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Seth Mette

Remembering the Super Victim: A Letter from a Villain's Mom to a Superhero

My husband had never been a family man; he was always focused and devoted to his work. For him, a successful business meant power and that family was only a minor obligation. There were many times whe... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Rev. Dr. Pachomius Okogie

The Medicine for This Sickness: A Reaction to the Recent Violence and Killings in Nigeria

These days, we are witnessing a kind of violence never before heard of in our land. Young men and women are planting bombs in public places, and even blowing themselves up, using themselves as fatal w... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Rev. Fr. D Cornelius Afebu Omonokhua

Basis for Christian-Muslim Dialogue

Whenever I watch and read about killings and terrorism in the name of religion today, the music of our dear sister of blessed memory, Christy Essien Igbokwe re-echoes on and on akin to a heart-rending... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Ihsan Ali / Ahmet Guclu

Ibn Sina: An Exemplary Scientist

Ibn Sina (known as Avicenna in Latin and in the West) in his masterpiece The Canon of Medicine (United States National Library of Medicine, MS A 53) states that "Body secretions of a host organism (e.... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Ibrahim Ozbek

Coal, Diamond, and Man

All of the physical and chemical conditions of the earth are created in a way to make life possible. The earth's position in the universe and factors like heat, light, water, and air all possess the q... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Sophia Gallant

From Continence to Virtue: Cultivation of Moral Character

Can people be held accountable for what they feel and wish from a moral point of view or is it only their resulting actions that matter? Is it equally valuable to perform a moral action through forcin... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Dhikr (Recitation of God's Names)

Literally meaning mentioning, remembrance, and recollection, in the terminology of the Sufis dhikr denotes regular recitation of one or some of God's Names at one time. Some spiritual or Sufi orders p... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Daniel Adam Kurtz

Southern Pine Beetle: A Pest Using Pesticides

The use of pesticides by farmers for fighting against pests harming their crops is a common yet controversial issue in bioethics and agricultural sciences. These pesticides often kill their target [1]... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Michael Anthony Samuel

Walking in the Shoes of Others: Stepping in and out of Turkey

What inspires migrants to leave home, friends and country to cross over into unknown worlds? Often many make the journey driven by the prospects of better life opportunities. Others seek escape of ref... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Johnston McMaster

Building an Ethical and Shared Future through Education in a Glocal Perspective

Glocalisation is a relatively new word or idea for a new time. Information technology, greater communications and travel have now placed us in a global village. We are being shaped by a larger yet, at... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Nihal Zeren Dila

The Ticket

When the National Research Council of the USA announced in 1992 that DNA testing was a reliable method to identify criminal suspects, the technology rapidly entered the mainstream court system. The de... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Lovers of Light

On a clear night, having fixed their hearts upon the Light they set out for eternity And wherever the journey led, they carried their gift of radiance. Gleams of Beauty unfading so entranced their ... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Zekeriya Ozsoy

Reward and Praise in Education: When, How and for What Purpose?

"Good grades pay off literally. Teachers have long said that success is its own reward. But these days, some students are finding that good grades can bring them cash and luxury gifts... Baltimore s read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Huseyin Bingul

Translating the Qur'an into Action

Reflections on the Qur'an: Commentaries on Selected VersesM. Fethullah GülenISBN 9781597842761NJ: Tughra Books An average English reader is often familiar with the Shakespearean character Hamlet and ... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Hikmet Isik

Modesty and Effacement

Question: A person who is busy with philanthropy and good services bears the risk of developing self-pride and fall into some personal expectations. How can one keep his or her sincerity while involve... read more..

Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
The Fountain

Science Square (Issue 89)

1- Frosty freezers no more Original article: Kim P. et al, ACS Nano (2012, online ahead of print) Frost formation on aircrafts at high altitudes poses major safety threats and high-maintenance costs read more..

Results 1 - 20 of 20