| Binazir Sankibayeva | Issue 154 (Jul - Aug 2023)
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Revelation has come to liberate me
From the power of sin
That’s been integrated
As a standard of norm
As a power of hope
To restore justice in the world
Kingdom and power
All they devour
Assuming this life is eternal
False promises are all what they’ve heard of
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Science Square (Issue 143)
Dreams keep brain refreshed
Tsai et al. Cerebral capillary blood flow upsurge during REM sleep is mediated by A2a receptors. Cell Reports, August 2021
New research has provided some fresh insights into why dreams are biologically so important. Sci…
The Heart Never Rests
“God contracts and expands.” (2:245)
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The Sultan of This World and the Next
Question: What are the points to be considered while seeking to have a fair perspective of Prophet Muhammad?
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